Tuesday 27 August 2019

Too much you, thats Him...

its that thing they call frame with love, letting go is smthing that comes along with it...

again smthing like being prepared for the change in love !!

again smthing you could never learn or be prepared for !!

everybody saying the same including him asking you pleading you literally to move on also now living him in the dreams in waaaaaaaays that were almost like talking to you.... feels like it was definitely a lie of his to make you move on....

again clearly that level of desperation of his to want yuo to move on in life....

also in a way that speaks for itself how he dint want you in his life and instead also wanting the best for you wanted you to move on.....

the way through that conversation he keeps a check on if you were okay too again knowing you too well knew it would break you.... and yet he had to do to that you.....

ther eis all of this on one side with sindhu's logic of asking you to set yourself free.....

but the way it all comes down to this one thing how do you do that when theres too much of you thats become him now.....

lik for say this one lilst moment today.....

stuck in the jam late in the evening and this one cop car right behind with that multi color disco light on top of the car blinking and swinging around....

and it caused that reflection over the seat ahead of those trippy blue red rights.....

that one visual and there he was in that very moment.....

the psychedelic setting of lights at his other place...

and the moments followed visuals that followed after living this random visual in your day....

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