Monday 7 December 2020


 The waaaaay that moment the song makes you feel with the flashbacks of today's memory recall!

Time of your life, having lived his love having lived HIM!!!!!!

Having lived versions of him and loved each one as you lived...

Today in the noon having lunch and this self help book your manager was reading gets off to get smthing the sound of the oaes and try to put smthing over and this line off it.....never love too much, because anything in abundance is often taken for granted... Love too!

This has always in a way annoyed you, how do you even love enough just bout enough pau kilo wala pyaar ya fir 1 se 2 kg wala pyaar..... How do you even measure or sense tjats just that much of love that you need to love and not more than that!

With him with the way he loved you that's all you did feel learn and discover, you just loveeeeeeeeeeeee awaaaay!

Just love, just like he loved you back then, just love you awaaaaaaay and how !!!!!!

Learned the same way of love, times changed, that love remained the same, the way of loving remained the same...

How do you change that, how do you measure that and then realize that's when it gets taken forgranted!

How does one measure love!

For now the walk post feeeels of the song, this state of mind not getting any better I say....from that worst start of the day almost to this feeeel now.....

Him - that THAT many different beauuuutiful versions of him....

Even reliving him from that moment you looking at him n looking away try not to stay n stare but you just couldn't help him that adooooorable shying away to that moment when all you three come out almost drenched thanks to lucky him still looking that beauuuuuuuuuutiful!!!!!

There was that smthing in those silent wordless moments charlie where he could sense it in you looking away and only when you try to walk out from the room he holds you away...still messy but that him high!

Even when in the dream the mention bout his fav places not even sure if that's even his actual fav place anymore, but opera apart from the obvious reason it was the place all HIM!!!!!

u did get to live the most beauuuuuutiful versions of him in that very place.....him your best friend to your dad in some moments to being your kid to that crazy beauuuutiful passionate love of yours.....

Every single time there was like discovering another beautiful version of his....

This nite tonite just the smell in the air as you write n work!!!!!

This mind in this moment right here where you are struggling to hold your mind to not write......

Some moments some sounds...!

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