Friday 11 December 2020

Kya kasoor...

 Mornings this beauuuuuutifuuuuuuul THIS BEAUUUUUUUUUUUUUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

Nothing no one, said it before can say it a zillion more times - nothing no one in the world can make you happy this happy the way anything and everything to do with Him does!!!!!!!

The waaaaaaaaaaaay he comes charlie ayyaaaaaaa the waaaaaay he just comes exactly how you'd missed him just before sleeping exactly that version of his soon as you are asleep.....

Its like you miss hearing him and his voice that close to you whispering smthing or if you miss the hmmm side of his exaaactly how he is there with you for you...or when you miss that best friend in him he is there just close to you and you keep saying smthing sharing smthing still asleep and him with those lil beautiful hmms as you keep talking amrhimg or when you miss just his touch just him holding your hand and he is there holding your hand away holding all of you away like pulling you away from everything else and closest to him like all you can smell feel touch breaaaathe is Him!!!!!

This morning too and that feeeeeeeeeeling you wake up with still smelling like him I say!!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeeeeling charliee you are filled with overfilled with ayyaaaaaaaa mornings do come too very soon....

Ayyaaaaaaaaaa that reality of yours HIM yummmmm yummmmmmmm yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

This head this you this very you as you keep reliving him from this morning ayyyaaaaa ab dilmeee tummm ho chuppeeee teri saaaso ki raaat hai, tere poutyyy hotooo ki subaaaah!

Yahaaa khoooo bhii jauu ayyyaaaa kyaaa kasoooor hai meraaaaaaaa!!!!!

Kyaaa kasoooor hai meraaaaa!


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