Tuesday 15 December 2020


 Today in that moment as you live the flight of the bird there was that flight of memory inside you that you were finally setting free after a  long time....cause you that bad stay away from reliving moments like these..

But the way just the way you were that beautifully sort of drawn to that moment to feel that connection from the dream to having lived that moment for real...

Where you looooveed the waaay he chummied that way in Bombay and you tell him too with his music playing that beautifully high on him and then to live a chummi a new chummi it was all that beauuuutifully different....it's that lil tornado of a moment charlie where it starts with a small slow swirl of a moment to turning into that one beautiful almost storm inside of you.....that slow rush to that strong stormy rush kinda chummi vibe it had !!!!!!

It was to feel him live him live that moment with him first time.....to feel that rush of love for the first time after a very long time!

It mostly used to be at opera!

And it wasn't just the moment you felt him loving you again and not just for the moment kinda thing...whoo nai hota charlie andar seee you feel loved you feel the love again.....that same feeeling back again like you don't have to hear it but you just feeel it andar seee....

Aftwe the bup you did meet him often but that meet in Bombay was the first time you felt his love for you again after bup.....the very first time!

Like he felt the same again, his love for you felt that beautifully just the same again....

Mom calling aunt calling as it was late and you were supposed to ve home befire6 and it was way past 6 and yet you don't take the call cause ever since the start it's been that way the way he would make sure to keep the fone away when with yiy in a way letting you know that was how it's meant to be.....when wit you it's the time you both share it's your time..

That day when you don't answe the way he insists on asking u to take the call answer kar and tell you'll be late and chuckles away that adoooorably the way he was just being with you that normal that same him again.....

Just bout to leave and the waaaaaaaay he holds your hand away and just that nod that one nod not wanting you to leave and come close and 5 mins stay...

Holds you away and just lay again.....this time closest!

The way he just didn't want you to leave the way he wouldn't look away just living you every sec with every blink of an eye....

To that moment as you get ready brushing your hair or smthing and comes close and stands beside you in the mirror reflection points out you n him and that perfect hand sign.....

Where tooooo whereeeeeeee only!!!!!!!

Exaaactly why you stay away from writing the Bombay meet!!!!!!

THIS feeeeeeeeeeeeling it fills overloads you with every single time!!!!!!!

THIS you now !!!!!!!!!

Some days some moments donno how what or why!!!!!!!!

Just THIS FEEEEEEEELING right now!!!!!

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