Tuesday 15 December 2020

His MUSIC!!!!!

Agaaaain from where to where!!!!!

Ever since that waking up this one beauty of a track the way it feels like a sound version of your dreams...

Tedhe medhe raste hai jadui imaarte hai tu bhi hai me bhi hu yaha.... nachte udhte hum yaha!

It's that feel charlie when aaj kal you've been missing him waaaay too much and maybe this happens all the more worse every year this time!

These few months ever since October this feeeeeeeling every single time...cause why not it was the time of your life, life changing, you transforming time of your life...


Sleeping to and with the sound of his music to waking up with that sudden rush of him through you cause that's how strongly you felt his presence closest to you then to live wake through the reality life through the reality of your day is a struggle!

Cause all of you still that lost in him wondering how does he feeeel that real that all of this now doesn't feel this real as you go through your day..... Still wondering if that's real what's this!

Today at the store amidst a discussion of fabrics like serious one for men's wear cause you still didn't manage to find the right one for a specific set....and a glass window the store had his music still playing in one ear look out and this beauty of your most loved bird now the eagle....

The flight, his flight, his arms wide open at the security check and you just living that beauuuuty of a huge beauuuutiful human bird ready for a flight, arms that beauuuutifully wide open...

As the bird sways in that one motion one pattern with waves like across the sky that one pull just the waaaay you were drawn towards it in that moment...

That very sec his this one track starts to play where another song was on loop again not sure how that skipped and this played..it was His vital signs track from the Bombay meet!

THAT one meet no matter how many times you write relive and write again words can never do justice to what that day what that meet what thsoe hours meant to you!

The MOST beautiful day I say!!!!!!!!

Cause that was when you felt loved again after years... The same kinda love of his for you!

Lile nothing literally nothing had changed really!

When he wasn't scared confused uncertain to show express word out his love for you!

Not even a bit.....

Where he really wanted you to stay and tells you so!

That day was smthing else !!!!!!!

Today in that moment standing there watching the bird reliving him from the security check visual the waaaay it sways away to the Bombay meet instead as his very same track starts to play....

It was the same day when he chummi3d you in that same style from the dream...the waaaay the moment today that beauuuutifully connected you with the dream days back and made you feel as if thought the moment from the dream was in a way that beautifully real...

Cause a chummi like that did happen for real....that day after MOMENTS the way he stayed wanted you to just lay by his side living your details and actually chummies you that way first time nibbling away that beauuuutifully slow to the sound of this very track.....cause you that clearly remember stopping him for a bit and actually note down the name of this specific track over ur fone cause that was your way of saving up that moment that him in that moment with you.....cause ever since having known bout being unsure of when seeing him or if at all you would his music has been what that lasts with you much after Him...

That moment too you just wanted to save that feeeling of him from that moment the waaaaaaaaaaaay he was that slowly beauuuutifully coming close nibbling away and then moving a lil back watchjng you with that smileeeeee ayaaaaaaaaaa that one smile of his and then at it again.....

And seeing your madness for his music asks you kya hai yeee and you with your excitement also tell him this is new aisa kabhi chummi nai kiya tu....that one nod after and does it again asking aisaaa you mean....

Some MOMENTS you just don't wanna relive n write cause this feeeeeeeling it fills you with is a mix of irony and beauty at once.....

It's strange charlie when something's that make you the happiest could also hurt the worse!!!!!!

Soooooo yaaaah!!!!!!!

This one person you never were prepated to miss THIS BAD in your life ever !!!!!!!!

Never were, could never get used to!!!!!

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