Sunday 6 December 2020


 All through that walk he still was talking bout someone but the way he didn't let go of your hand even for a sec.....

That was love for you the way with every sharing he was holding you away instead.... like you still could feel his strong love for you !!!!!

But this thing bout Love charlie it does make you selfish in a its own way!!!!

When you want to be the one just the one that they love and want to be with....

Cause if you still have someone other to be with and then love somebody it never is love in the first place.....

Cause love itself means wanting to love someone be there to love wanting to love in different ways with words woth moments with life..... To love someone to life with as you Love...

Cause when that will of wanting to be with that one goes missing, the love is already gone!

You must want to share that this anything to everything silly mad passionate to absolute crazy ones with that one anything at all through the worst ones to the best ones.....that wanting to love wanting to be loved wanting to be with the one you love...

That will, zest, passion, sureness to love, wanting to be with.....

It's was the most disturbing strangest of all dreams you've had!

That one moment that one touch remains your calm...

Him holding your hand away all through it!

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