Friday 18 December 2020


 His daaaaaaaaadi my beloooo ed most daaaadi of hiss ayyyyaaaaaa moments like theseee it's like u live him now bowwwww he is there and the waaaaaay it al cesmes back to you!!!!!!

All of him to lilst of him it's like u can almost smell him now hlis presence every thujf bout him minddddd this mind nowwww......

Wherreeee to whereeeeee it's goung I tell you!!!!!!


Ou ts thta duvidhaaa smtikeees like baxk then to eat or to just live n watch him......same troppo sameere feeeeling this miment this you right now.....

Ayyyaaaaaa inneeeeee handsomeness pe handmaomeee hoteeee jataaaa chalieee!!!!!

Yaaayyyaaaaaa toeattt or to just stayyy n liveee I syaaa!

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