Thursday 10 December 2020

His music...

 This thing bout his music n moments.....

It's just feeling weirdly beautiful tonite.....

Just weird!

Numb lost n yet weird!

The way a memory hits you and you lose yourself a lil more the way it moves you away from everything else..... this has been on uour mind ever since the first few gulmohar inspired custom prints have been out for the shoot...

So ya this one track he shares with you talking bout how he misses different versions of you to these set of tracks by this new artist ghat he had found...

Talking bout the specific version of you with each song that he misses you with.....writing writing to think of it now it's the roots are entiwned that beautifully, both of yours!

And yet!

Sooo yah and as you listen to this particular one and he talks bout how when he is on his own and feels lonely smtimes he misses your presence with him just the presence of you being with him with this song and the other one being how his touch makes you feel and move....

The beat the different variations in the beat makes him miss that side of you...when he misses how his love makes you feel, how his touch transforms you away!

Whereeeeeeee to whereeeeee only it went....

The first track and just the way he talks bout missing just your presence in some moments when it gets lonely to just have you beside him kinda missing and you breaks you was finally to hear him tell you that he misses you too prolly the first time ever since bup!

It was a Skype call but just the way he elaborates bout missing you in different ways was to feel his love for you all over was that vibe with the song charlie to realize all that while you on your own living your side of love n missing for him and then to finally realise he still misses you he still loved you!

And the way he just smiles away and gives you another track the way it was just making him happy that beautifully and still crying you ask him watchjng you cry made him that happy ki sends you another track cause he that we'll knew if there was anything else apart from him that could make you that happy was His music...

And to that way he says it just made him happy to see how bad he was missed....cause youd stopped telling him so!

It was that thing bout music and moments like these tyinf to back to that first time too....

His fink playing prolly the second day or smthing after realising it was love after all....when the conversation goes to the age and you realise he was 4 years younger than you and tell him not sure bout that and the way he stops talking that pause after....ask him if he was there and that sound of him crying....asks you if you had to hang up or smthing and you don't n wait...the way he goes on bout having found you finally where all this while after his mom he was there for evrybody else now having had you finally there for him and you talk bout leaving again....finally mere liye koi hai and you too want to leave...the way he talks bout how lonely he did get after his mom the way he talks bout how much your presence you mattered to him you just stay couldn't speak a word cause hearing him cry you did too.... And that one pause he says you must be happy a guy cried for you to stay!

To just see him lost disturbed you, there was him crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For you to stay!

It just got weirder now this feeling right here !!!!!!

Amd you tel him it wasn't bout you leaving you were just scared bout the whole thing how everybody would take and the way he says we'll figure that out together...just be there with me karely!

Just stay with me!

I was his pride charlie!

More than anything else with that nothing you back then, still he was that proud of you could see that in his eyes everytime he looked at you..that gleam of happiness that gleam of pride to just have you the way he was just that happy.....

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