Wednesday 23 February 2022

What's this!!!!!

 Day before yesterday there was this moment from the dream that you tooootally didn't want to write out just cause the way it makes you feel even reliving it it was beautiful again cause the way it just connected to some moemnts through your day...

Noon at work and nodbiy around just you at the studio and just be reading his chat with his music and that one line and get off it and just lay on the floor instead....

Didn't know how maybe you did sleep for a bit still not sure what and how that was and he was sitting right there his hand in your hair and you just turn towards him and ask him then what's this and he just smiles that one smile that one smile charlie where he thinks he is not smiling or almost there at it but like you can see it see him smile that one smile lips tucked in eyes go all big and that one almost smile wala expression of his and then with a pause calls you howli with that nod like you just don't get it kinds and you wake up cause that was exactly what you read and disturbs you we can never be ya don't even remember now!!!!!

And the dream or what it was was like that continuity of your moment that you shared with him and actually responds the ulta exact opp thing instead!!!!!!

And you still don't get it !!!!!!

Dreams these moments just dont get it.....

Standing in the middle of a jam all around with all that chaos of sound sometimes and it's just you beech mein with too much sound and sometimes theres no sound at all.....

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