Tuesday 1 February 2022

On loop!!!!!

 When dream just one dream of his shook you up that way changed transformed you your mind and HOW and the same dream with variations playing on loop past few days.....

It's that feeling you wake up with that one feeeeling from wishing some day to this weird feeling now from that much of him to suddenly lost once you are up!!!!!!

It's like suddenly it all feels that much different that weird lost helpless weird wordless thing soon after you are up and realise it was a dream...

It was a weirdly beautiful day moments sound visuals that one feel of him that one missing rushing through you blink he is there with all the rushes and feels and HOW!!!!!

Its like last few days se you are living him constantly with every blink in a zoomed up version of his like that upclose no matter what you are doing where you are it's the aay he is just there !!!!!

Now with this track with all him on mind again one of those times you had that much to write but these feels these flashes of him!!!!!

To live someone's details as you love them one journey only!!!!!

Every lil detail every lil expression that one him i tell you!!!!!!!

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