Wednesday 23 February 2022

How do you even!!!!!

 Do your best off late trying your level best lately but it's the nites charlie the way they change it all away in an instance that one glimpse of him that one sniff of him one touch one sense of his presence around you even with eyes shut that one presence of his and you are all back to square one...

Been busy more than ever before back to back meetings working on designs and yet nothing comes out of it cause you know your mind this state of mind on some days!!!!!

Today of all the days felt that THAT very different like you could just feel that strong sense of him like could just feel it that strongly today that he maybe thought of you missed you as crazy lunatic as this sounds now writing your mind out writing exactly what and how you felt today ever since the waking up frok that dream of his......just can't help it!!!!! But this need to write it out cause that's how strong you felt it still know it's madness him missing you but that one stronger than just gut feeling wali feeeeling it was charlie today!!!!!

It was something SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!!

could just feel it today all in you!!!!!!!

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