Wednesday 2 February 2022


 To once there your usual table and just be with his music and some work finalising a few fabrics and designs to go with....and suddenly your managers boyfriend and a friend of his comes over saying hi and stuff and his friend was a model looking for some work and you mention bout not working on  men's wear anymore and takes a chair and sits down for some conversation and that one feeeel cause in that moment you were watching this one eagle with his music playing the way it was moving to the beat the wide beautiful wings just like his the same mode of Him every single time a sight visual of the eagle in a flight and that one feeeeeeel of Him it brings along!!!!!!

It's absolute love in the most beautiful form!!!!!

To just live him in and with that moment of eagles flight!!!!! 

Also why sky watching when missing him like this has become your recent most loved thing too!

Take your usual call move a lil away call the manager instead!!!!

Mins later she was there talking to them instead and you move to another table where she comes again asking bout a few female models finalising for the next shoot and the way her boyfriend comes over with some picture of a model saying how hot she looked and you must take her instead and your manager in that very moment looks at him then back at you and you could sense what and how she felt in that moment.....much later they leave you stay and the moment stayed with you!!!!

It's not even bout comparing charlie cause there's no absolute comparison to him with anybody!!!!!!

But some moments nai do that to you hold your hand right amidst one certain moment take you to another moment similar one lived and make you allow you to relive that feeling as to why you loved loved that moment in the first place.....

Things to do with love charlie one thing yove realised over time and years now, they don't have to be big super special epic stuff the tiniest of things the most random of things can leave you with that one string feel of Love can make you feel special can make the most random moment feel special....add that meaning to the tiniest of moments!


When you share the few pictures of your design with the model when he asks you for yours in the recent chat the way he fataaak se says who is this why are you sending these i wanna see you not her!

It's that hint of Him from back then when you both would people watch girl watch around and have these commentary conversations bout the dressing the behavior the random most things and not even for a second that feel of him checking out even with a side eye...

He is there or not there that's all there is to him.....he wouldn't if he doesn't want to and if he wants to there's nothing in the world that could prolly stop him from doing something!!!!!

As simple as that!!!!!!

It's the way he is charlie every bit of Him!!!!!

The more you write this now in this very moment that one feeeeeeel of Him!!!!!!!

The way suddenly this rush again!!!!!!!!!!

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