Wednesday 23 February 2022

places n moments!!!

 That day when the multi store guy mentions bout Bombay being first place to start with and you had to be there so sign some formalities to proceed with and that one feeeeeeel charlie!!!!!

How some places become people like you think of a certain place you think of them instead cause that's how beautifully it's laced with all things them...

To you Bombay now is all and just Him!!!!!

The word the sound the visual anything Bombay and the way all of you is like overloaded with that rush of his versova meet!!!!!!! The day you thought you found your love back again!!!!!!

The day after years he just didn't want you to leave for the first time the day where you just lived him with every lil blink of your eye with evry breath you took to just live him!!!!!!

Ur best friend your dancing wrestling writing music partner!!!!!

It's a zillion versions of him and you yourself with him from that meet that come to life in an instance with anything Bombay that falls on your ears!!!!!

Keep that on hold for now and work on the others!!!!!

Also with these moemnts that sudden echo of the Bombay memory and today it feels like one dream be it the meet be it his love for you then or you yourself....

This you smiles rarely occasionally maybe talks very less maybe strict at work very maybe lost in the crowd maybe.....

Change is something you are working on but it's the him chalrie kitna bhi try karlu donno why nai hora!!!!!!

Doing the best possible you can stay away from using your managers fone but some dream and that one constant wait anything him on his stroy and doesn't happen and then wonder why did you just do that!!!!

To the other offer today when some other brand literally approaches you through the manager to design their studio too cause they loved the theme and overall design bit of your studio...

Again anything that's done with love i say had to had to turn out like this the way your studio did!!!!!

Every nook and corner almost some glimpse or the other of him when you were doing up the place again wasn't intentional the way it all just connected away like lost dots that were brought together to connect and form something this beautiful...

Stringed together...!

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