Saturday 26 February 2022

Dreams n visions!!

 Having practically lived him his presence all these years in dreams n visions.....the way it always did feel like he never left!

Until recently!!!!!

Today last few days se these discussions and meets for discussing the theme for the first proper collection theme wise and the media guys work now strangeky feels very monotonous with the other brand works that they already are working on....

Lack it lacks that connection that narrative that you can relate with the design and color element...

Had to work on finalizing it quick so the print part can proceed call it off the media guys saying uts on hold and finally take it in your hands to work on....

Writing story writing after this long to just pen down something felt different after these years...

Back then standing in the balcony him talking bout his passions in life and you in complete awe of him lost in the way he just looked that beautiful talking bout his love for movies and one look at you in the eye and he asks i never asked you no what do you like the most and you just look at him and then go on bout your love for animation and couldn't pursue it and stuff and the way he did mention back then maybe it's not just animation it's the visual thing that you love the way you live him his details and he always noticed that bout you....

Today at work sitting there to work on the theme and story eyes shut with his music playing and that one evening that glimpse of him standing there breezy with him looking his beautiful best under that balcony lil bulb wonder this love for orange hue tones street lights even today the light too that many memories of living him under those lights...

It wasn't random love for visuals it was that love to just live him charlie it's that feeeeeling of being loved that much by someone in thise moments of living him that very exact feeling in the way he would talk anything chit chat bout anything and the way he would just look at you ekdum se and you lose it all that one second and all the sound goes blur all you could see feel live was him in that moment his very own sound would go blur just that one look charlie!!!!!

From that moment to the land of dreams and how it did turn out to be the only thing all this while that kept you going apart from his music...

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