Wednesday 23 February 2022

soo difficult!!!!

 Why is all this that easy for some and this difficult for some!!!!!

Again just must come with a sensor timer one off ting bolke the other must off too! 

This week's been a high work wise when some multi designer brand approaches for collaboration for your collection to put them up at their branches across India main cities being Bombay Bangalore Delhi Ahmedabad and the day of the meet that very morning the way he was there it was that beautifully different!!!!!

Cause strangely the way it was connected to the other moemnts through the day....never got to see his first film the biggest heartbreak it totally was to this one dream of his.....can't write out again for obvious reasons but those whispers of his and that one feeeeeel you wake up with!!!!!

Helpless again!!!!!

Through the day and another meet wit this cute gay couple branding guys and you just sit there one ear plug in wit his music and then discussing bout the layouts the print media stuff finalising and asking you for your final go and you were that blank wit just the way he looked that morning and that very same second the branding guy goes mam am waiting for your final say like waiting for Godot and feels like ages sitting here.....

That one word that one name and that one rush in that moment it's that one trippy sound from one of shpongle tracks zillion beats in one go like your mind ditto goes that way a zillion happy beats in one go with that one sound of Godot glimpses of him from that meet reading his script chori se him watching you giving you those few secs to read it sitting there at his table his script close to his guitar on the floor that one smile and that one tone of his asking you not to and yet you hold on with just a word more a line more a lil more of him in his words ...

His scripts have always been that to you meant that to you just like his music a moment of his mind a moment of him being mostest him in and with his words and sounds...

That one love to read anything him to listen anything him....

That moment with the word Godot off you were get off the chair saying you had to rush somewhere and will get back in a day....

Head to your place off late concu and just be with his music!!!!!!

Moments charlie all there is to it either you just let them go or live them feel them to the most to just live such moemnts of Him out of nowhere to just feel him in moemnts like these charlie!!!!!!


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