Monday 28 February 2022

The sound...

 Moments charlie all that's there to life to live bout with...

Smallest to the biggest that sort of mark your mind away stick away with and HOW....

This one sound hauntingly beautiful and the words or word and that flashback of his drive try your best but sometimes know it might hurt after but you can't still stop that feel don't wanna stop that feel to just go with the way it's making you feel kinda vibe with the sound...

Like said the only times youve felt complete proper woman kinds have been with him in evry possible way and term....evry feeling ever felt every emotion ever lived every moment ever felt!!!!

Post song high this one dream that close to what all you felt and missed him with bit the way it ddint feel like it was connected cause you were high on the song it just felt like it was more of a reply an answer from his crazy as it always sounds writing the moemnts feeling out in words but that's exactly how he felt like how he made you feel like it!!!!!

Moments like these so real conversations like those that felt that THAT real how do you even take it to be just your mind or it's just's the way he comes charlie the way he talks in that zone with those expressions making you realise feel it daaaaaaamnnnnnn sooo soooooo wish you could just write it out away this def being one of a firsts that you've ever dreamt till!!!!!!!

Something's even this very moment reliving it in your mind as you write this THIS feeeeeeeeeeeeel!!!!!!!

The only person in the world who could do this to you your mind I say!!!!!!!!

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