Sunday 9 June 2024

Whatta month!!!!!

 Whatta month it’s beeeeen!!!!!

Be it feeling the unhealthiest you’d ever felt worst sick possible like not even during covid ka reign did you fall sick this bad the way you did last few weeks!!!!!!

To following the routine of healing your eyes faster with heavy anti biotics to finally wanting to just write something away!!!!

Cause the waaaaaaaaaaaays he has been coming has been beyond you and any logic possible!!!!!!

How you still don’t get it why still don’t get it but this one beauuuuuuuty of something’s just can’t help it!!!!!!

When there’s this much missing in you like this mucn that it’s been worst you’d ever missed him in all these years!!!!!

Also mainly most importantly being the way waaaaays he has been coming lately like the way you smell him feeeel him on your skin anywhere possible to the way he holds you touches you smells you makes you feeeel his presence like you can that strongly feeeeeeeeel him and then again spend the day wondering why isn’t it all happening for really real and not just in your head…

Cause all of this happening in the dreams the way he has been coming is definitely undoubtedly not just you not just because of your missing cause the way he tells you makes you realise reassures you it’s about him missing you this time lately recently it’s been all about him missing you and telling you so screaming you so and HOW!!!!!!

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