Thursday 13 June 2024

Sound of Magic…!

 It’s always ALWAYS been bout his music this beauuuuuuuuuty of feeeeeeeeling him away with music…

Where you’ve been trying to work on the writing to go along with the campaign that’s closest to you as it’s an ode to one of your most looooooooooiived visual random moments bout Him…

Him transforming into the most MOST beauuuuuutiful human bird of your Life…

Pakhi meaning a beautiful bird…..

Where even whilst shooting when some playing some edm artist the model requests you to play something Bollywood and you just couldn’t help but play away everything him from Bollywood and that feeeweeeeel of living him away even on the most hectic shoot schedule you’ve ever worked on till date so far!!!!!!

Like yesterday there were again way rooo many co incidences and moment recalls during the shoot but this beauuuuty of a nite like this one where it’s been weeks since you’ve been trying to work on the writing to go with the collection theme and tonight this new niladri track you find and this beauuuuuuuty the waaaaaaay that one visual of him security check and you live that moennt this very second track playing and it just flows……..

There are zillion things to finish as you’ve been working frame wise selecting the clips to go for the reels changing speed and setting the tone taking most of your brain away and there’s this sudden calm now with THIS MUCH him rushing through you and you like the first draft that you write now like love it the very first thing you write……

It’s very lil but you alone know it almost sums it away in the most discreet and yet heartfelt way like you alone know what and HOW much ir meant to you those moemnts of watching him live that magical moment almost every single time…

Luckiest happiest you’d ever been!!!!!!!!

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