Saturday 22 June 2024


 Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howwwwwww like howwwwwwwwwwwwweew can you possibly not feeeeeel away like this after the waaaaaaays he comes away!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaa this mind this you ever since the waking up like you couldn’t look up from your room to straight to the gym room cause it shows on your face and HOW!!!!!

It’s this thing charlie after speciay after the waaaaay he has come the first thing to see yourself cause again the waaaaay he used to say post opera meets just as you get off the car and you look at him again that very thjng first the smile comes and that waiiiiiiit in you knowing he was thinking something and was bout to say something different not the usual talk cause that one smile of his ayyaaaaaaaaa that one smile of his and that beauuuuuutiful pause after karely you know one thing after you meet me your face becomes different it’s like all of me on your face right there and this he used to say for the color of his love too like I just stamped you with me…….

And this actually is a fact even years after of his absence even be ur in the dreams when he specifically comes like this first thing straight to the mirror and it shows IT SHOWS on you and howwwwwweeeeee!!!!!!

It’s different can’t even write down in words exactly how different it gets feeeels away but it’s that big of a difference……

It’s those meets you can’t write but it’s that feeeeeeeel charlie the way it’s different when you are sick he comes differently even when you want to feel him more but the aaaaaay he is like comforting you holding you and just laying beside you but like this when it’s like this it’s THIS rush of him lately like he is in that rush comes running running wildly and how it’s watching this mulligan or something series it’s like bojack one but a lil stupid fun types his music playing working on edits and you don’t know when you actually fall asleep……it’s that initial now sound of his him breathing and that feeeeel in you like there’s always that wait in you just when you know sleep is coming u know with that he is coming…..the whole process is that beautiful like it’s in your mind smiling away knowing any second now any second now and that’s when you actually get off put the oil lip balm brush hair brush and stuff like all ready to meet him kinda mental vibe things you write out hits differently when doing it nai…

Soooo yaaaaah there’s that waiiiit in you knowing he is on the way kind again AGAINNNNNNNNNN something’s you write!!!!!!!!!

To back to the moennt when you could hear him breathe close to your neck to the next second you see yourself in some balcony and him running across the room towards you and the waaaaaaaaay he holds you away without a word nothing just that rush THAT rush in him in the way he was moving he was breathing just that one visual him in a white shirt khaki chaddis of his running across towards you that one face of his even as you write now………

It’s that feeeeeeeeel of his arms around you it’s that feeeeeel you know charlie like all your insides all of you on the inside to your skin feeesl like you are home now……every single time back then too the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would just hold you away was like literally taking off n away jnto him kinda hug…….

To these moennts and you wanted to see him see his face and this one time try to move his face to see him and as he turns you see your most loved mole spot on him close to his right ear and you try to turn him to feeel n live his details but the waaaaay he doesn’t let you instead it was ljke him wanting to live your presence filling up that missing rush in him it just felt THAT much missing like he missed you that bad every single time you write something it is different nai like you feel something dream something f but now as you write this feels ajeeb!!!!!!

The second you wake up your heartbeat was still high like beating that fast mind that saaaaaaamr vibe that you used to feeeel post meeting him like still that hiiiiiiiiiigh on him like you are up but still in that zone that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutifullllly himzoned and HOW!!!!!!

Straight had to getting in the workout cause it’s that need that rush that want to feeeeeel him more love him more when you write live becomes love ayyyaaaaaaaa singaaaaaaaaaaa how only you are being missed awaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!

Geeeeeeeeeliest chummmiiiii feeeeeel hojaanaaaa uskuuuu abiiiii ke aboiiiiii!!!!!!!!

If only saying things away actually did work like that very way what only!!!!!!

To that moments of himversions how you feeeeeel him no matter which new move you try to feeeeeeel him like that not just your mind it’s all over you like you can feeeeel it that strongly to this one track you were him trippin on for the work video and u actually chose that very one cause it was like walking with him the sound the vibe of the track reminding away all those walks with him be it at the gym treadmill walk to the Habsiguda galli walk jsut to live you for longer takes the evening walk till ten galli end to the club walk where he used to play tt to the around the galli walks of his house or your house to the Versova street walk it’s was a different vibe………

It’ was a very different start today face still feeling the same heartbeat mind at its himhighddddd best the whole vibe of himcoming today lately it’s getting very beauuuutifullu different like he has been talking more saying things away which you eventually forget by mornings AGAAAAAAAAAAIN SOMETHIMGS YOU WRITE!!!!!!!!!

Sing miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yaaaaaaaaaaaaad kiyaaaaaaa dilneeeeeeee kahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ho tummmmm!!!!!!!!!!

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