Monday 24 June 2024


 There is absolutelyyyyyyyyyyyyy nothing that can possibly come close to THIS feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of living him away!!!!!!!!!!!

Anything to wvery lil thing bout him and this THIS feeeeeeeeeeeel it fills you up with is beyond words of the world I say!!!!!!!!

It’s been a weird feeeeel lately in the evenings at your you hour where you are mindlessly watching something startinf peaky blind and then suddenly the mind zones off and how!!!!!

It’s that flashback of all this while all this missing of years tigether and this feeeeel every single time when the realisation hits you!!!!!

Of the then and now!!!!!!

So you’ve been keeping off writing cause there’s that many moments of the day to write and then the current zone of mind you are at by end of the day somehow makes you wanna stay away from writing cause you know will eventually lead to the then current state of you writing too and that you don’t wanna write and then read out cause somehow it feels more worse wen out!!!

And then the waaaaaaaaays he comes after all that missing through the day through the night it’s the first sound of the waves crashing by and the waaaaaaay it calms all of you and you take another turn and try to sleep to the sound and that sudden switch in the sound the sound of his music playing it was some track that you’d heard a lot with him…and it wakes you up to see him standing near the huge beautiful window the light all over him him in the ayyaaaaaaaaaa that sexy tone of burgundy looking his absolutesexyyyyyyyywildself and HOW!!!!!!!

The way he just moves slowly and the waaaaaaay he moves it’s that direct string on you being pulled off and closer to him that feeeeeeeeeel of being magnetically almost being drawn to him…….and as you get off and go closer the way he moves a lil away wanting you to come closer like a tease a chase as you kee going closer the way he would move a step back and rhat one sec when you go a lil more closer and move in the way he was moving that immmmereeedddiate rush of him the way he grabs you like he used to by hair and just watches you to you it was everything cause the waaaaay the evening light was all over just his face and neck…….his eyes that beauuuuuuuutifullu high shy smiling away his lips wanting to kiss you like yiy could tell by the way he moving it so slightly his face that glow the daaaaaaadi that wild his cheeeks his noseeee atyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa his forehead lil ears of his his neck the way u could see just bout the hair n chest cause he held you it’s the waaaaaaaaaay that color makes him look like a walking breathing version of what’s Love like everything bout love the innocence the madness the passion the wildness the vulnerability the wild forest like charm of his that kid like smirk on him upto something vibe all over his face it’s rhat feeeeeeeeeeeeel charlie breathing away his scent feeeeeling away his beauuuuutiful presence the hair on his hands as he held you to just live that feeeeeeeeeeeel of him and the waaaaaaaaaay he makes you wait till the moment finally chumming away all of your face away and not just the lips!!!!!!!

It was the most beauuuuuuuuutiful form of madness and love in the waaaaaaaaay he just lived your presence and let’s you live him every lil detail of his and then eats your face away literally and that sound or something you make you actually wake up to it cause you were that loud!!   

First thing to loook around and luckily it was just you at home this morning!!!! 

It’s that first feeeeeeeel to rush to the himversion first cause you wanted to feeeel that continuation from that feeeeeeeeel of living him to feeeeeling him again on your skin……

It’s this swirl of him that comes all over you it starts slow and that rush as you move nape of you to your waist to your arms your face and you still don’t get it every single time you write out it sounds even more crazy but that’s exactly how strongly you feeeeeel him around and over!!!!!!

As wide as you stretch and extend and you feeeeeeel him all along that strongly!!!!!!

This mind this you right now with those visuals of him to the sound of waves it was MAGICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To live him that very exact same way another one to the LONG wish list!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one beauuuuuuuuuuuty of himcoming like that one!!!!!!!!

It’s one happpppy heart start to the day today…!

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