Monday 17 June 2024

Lost in a moment!!

 Ever have that feeeeeeel when you are doing something that has your mind at 500 percent engrossed deep in trying to figure out a zillion things at once and then out of nowhere a moemnt just like that strikes you like a sword of thunder and has you all lost deep dived into that very moment that rest of everything goes all blur….like people talking moving around calling out your name all of it suddenly goes all blur like you are moving on the outside but inside there’s this beauuuuuutiful slow cloud you are riding on that’s taking you to the place that you feel belong to the most……like you feeeeel it all away on the inside that mush that smoooth slow ride like you are floating even be it under the peak afternoon sun sweating your chaddis off but on the inside there’s this chilllllll smoooooth slow ride you are on and you are at peace and stilll expericing that beauuuuuutiful rush of him and HOW!!!!!!

And things you’d been staying away from is writing him cause there’s too much on mind sudden realisations and you didn’t want to get into the details and this day happens today raining this beautifully at a mall getting some basics taking the day off work off edit off everything and just on your own and see somebody walk past by with His blink book in hand and that very moennt this random eyewear store plays chashni song that’s just Him to you all of that song that beauuuuutofully just HIM!!!!!!

The guy in white shirt khaki chaddis collar up his style white shoes on and has you chasing till you see the face and that low again!!!!!!

From chasing raindrops missing him away to chasing random guys around hoping to get that one sec of glimpse of Him hoping wishing praaaaaaayijg it’s him and it wasn’t!!!!!!!

And this one find of a track in sync in the mood you’ve been in lately!!!!!!

Lost in a moemnt!!!!!!!!

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