Sunday 9 June 2024


 Be it visuals of him from the dream be it visuals of him from the lift back from Bangalore be it visuals of him heading to his interview and on the way as a good luck asks you to show your face in the balcony stairway corner and he sees you in a black faded kurta and calls you fataaak se saying how come he never saw you in it and all and you wish him luck and stuff and hang up and in seconds calls you again asks you to come out and the second you go to your staircase corner the waaaaaay he holds you and checks you out it was your moms old kurta very faded that you used to wear ghar pe but the waaaaaaaaay it makes him that happy away cchummis you and rushes back to the interview calling you again telling you how pretty you looked in it to visuals of him in the jam as yiy lay your head over the window playing his song away and just on the other side of the road see him feeeeel you saw him hair messy and long his saaaaame high shyyyy smile that you used to adoooooore right there in the jam……

And you keep turning around trying to take a look again and the after of it just like always searching for him again throug the jams and streets hoping to see him kahi tho!!!!!!

It’s been feeeeeling all different lately charlie like earlier it used to feel like it’s you alone that misses him but now it’s different like you can feeeeeel it that strongly inside of you……to the ways he tells you the same in the dreams too to this most random moment at the jeweller meet at concu 36 wala like you were done with the meet telling her bye and all just get off she tries to hug you and you move back with a handshake and this song plays falling slowly from My sassy girl and suddenly the female disappears everything else goes blur and you just stand there listening to the track reliving him away from his room from that very moment showing you the movie playing the movie for you places his headphones over your ears and asks you to sit and watch the movie….

That very moment she eventually leaves leaving a text wondering what was wrong with you if you were okay n stuff cause it was that abrupt to these roads every single time the highway brings him away brings those drives along and how you still looooooooove and live him through these drives…….

This one moment when you see the cement truck and it still is your most fav car for life vehicle for life cement truck you weee smiling away with his music playing through the drive to the shoot location space on the outskirts!!!!!

And this college bus beside and this one girl moves her hand trying to grab your attention and in ishaara asks you were smiling away and waves back at you!!!!!!

HOW do even moemnts exact same moments like these happen over n over again with him on drives over his shoulder and the similar bus passing by and college girls waving back showing you looked good tigether and the waaaay it used to make you feel away and him pulling you closer cause it made him that happy away!!!!!

To reaching the location finally and first thing you see is it’s surrounded by just gulmohars everywhere possible it was raining his music playing still in the car open and you living that beauty of the gulmohars all around it was like a day designed with all things him!!!!!!

Pakhi the collection name meaning a beautiful bird also because of him…….

Like you’d been wanting to work with something with birds for long now and this finally happens to the name and then finding a location that also has one set named as the Opera House I mean if you don’t think this is magic this is love madness at it’s beautiful best then am not sure what else possibly could be!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one beauuuuuuty of him that one fellllloooowwwwwwss your poooora ka poooooora jaaaan heart soul and everything in between I say!!!!!!!!

For life I say!!!!!!!!

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