Tuesday 18 June 2024


 Howwwwwwwww do you even take a himcoming like this one to just be a dream ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

With that huuuuuuge missing last night post writing him out like always you finally start peaky finally and first few mins and pass out!!!!!!

It’s that one moment you turn to the side still on the couch and that saaaaaaaaaaame sense of his nibble of your neck and the waaaaaaaay it like always used to back then draws you closer to him and the waaaaaaaaaay he starts to slow nibble over neck arms shoulder just like he did back in Versova like even in that rush of a moennt you stop him and ask him why he never did this before and the waaaaaaaay he nods and back at it that very saaaaaame ditto moment last night too where you stop to say something and the waaaaaaay he pushes you making you turn around wit his chin cause that beauuuuuutofullu you could feeeeel his daaaaadi over your shoulder!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaa that one struggle to turn forwards him just so you could look at him but the waaaaaaaay he was just holding you nibbling over you holding your arm pulling your arm and keeps saying something again when you forget what he was saying by morning the waaaaaaaaaaay he just goes on that way with his one leg over you holding all of you away……..

It was that feeeeeeeeeeeeel where all of him making you feeeel like he missed you that bad and just wanted to live away all of you that way His way!!!!!!!

To this morning you again wake up still talking to him something that you actually were saying something and you wake up…….

It was that feeeeeeeeel of him charlie feeeeel of all him all over you like it had been that long of him holding you that way where every inch of you missing him away THAT bad morning morning!!!!!!

And finally get in the workout for few mins managed to somehow and that feeeeeeeeel the second you start the himversions ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that sense of him across your skin that one face from Versova that one face from drives and this you’ve been missing a lot LOTTTTTT lately your moments of living that beauuuuuuuuuuty of him as he drives around and howwwwwwwwwwwewee you loooooved it like tooooo toooooooo much cause that was your time of adoooooring him away living him away looooooooving him away and falling madly in love wit every detail of him!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaa this rush today as you live him with his sounds during himversions like you move you stretch and feeeeeeeel him along all over you every single time you feeeeeeel him during these moves making you wish for these very moennts for real with him…….like to just be able to feeeeeeeel him like this as you move extend his hands his arms around n over with that sense of him breathing against your skin as you move……..

Things you write out and this feeeeeeeeeeeeel!!!!!!!

It was sooooooooooo gooooooof and also made it all this beauuuuuutofullu worse now!!!!!!

After long really long!!!!!!

Like you can see it on your face that feeeeeel of having felt him breathed him in your waking state too!!!!!!!

Things again you write out !!!!!!!!

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