Sunday 9 June 2024


 Since the very beginning charlie donno what it was how it was it’s always been the wwaaaaaaays his face felt on the inside like seeing him seeing his details him walking him turning around his car and just staying for a bit for a few seconds and looking at you waiting for the auto he would just wait there till you get in the auto and then leave…….

It was much before you even knew him anything bout him him walking towards the changing room and you coming out of yours and you would just stand there with him there and you couldn’t move not even for a bit and he would just stand there not a smile not a word just looking at each other and after that moment with him you would still wonder what made you stand there and just live him away……

To that day walking with him towards the oppo side of the road at his Versova space looking at him and that feeeeeel that same feeeeeeeeel how you looooooooooiived his presence adooooooored him every bit of him to the second you get the auto him standing there with the cigarette and only after the auto starts he crossed the road back to his space and you living his legs away from that lil auto window…..

All your sickness be it at the hospital nights thankfully you could see his singing video again on his tagged posts cause it was public again and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel how from complete strangers to finding him and that feeeeeeeel of finding love in him and much more than just love in him home in him and it’s never been the same again…….ever again!!!!!!

It’s that fewwwwwwel charlie every single time you’ve been watching that video of him singing his expressions to that line goof up and the way he corrects it and smiles gently to the guy and the last smile ayyaaaaaaaaaaa that one shy smiiiiile of his and the waaaaaaaaaaay that bit makes you the happiest feeeeling away luckiest possible human for having loved him most importantly for having loved by him…

The nights couldn’t sleep wanting to write away and couldn’t cause of the one eye worse bacterial thing and you stay up with lowest brighteness possible and watching him away missing him the worst possible and also feeelinf the luckiest away!!!!!!

It also makes you scream away question away the reality out of madness why couldn’t he stay why couldn’t you just be that way in that very moment seconds back from the dream wheee you’ve even stopped putting the alarm on just so it doesn’t disrupt your moment with him and hoping he stays for longer…….

It’s pure madness charlie I know but it’s also something no matter how much ever you try it’s not been helping the waaaaaaaays he comes to the waaaaaaays you’ve been feeeeeeling his presence away through random most moments is beyond just magic….cause it’s not an illusion of your mind cause you feeeeewweeel it in your core that strongly and it’s def just not you!!!!!!

Then why distance is all it comes down to!!!!!!!

All of these years not having lived him for real smelled him for real touched him for real lived that moennt of him standing just few steps away from you looking at you waiting for you to come and take those steps off and hold him away ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa some moments you relive now and this feeeeeeeeeeel it overload you with dhadaaaaaaaam seeeee!!!!!!!

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