Monday 12 October 2020

The blue bird...

 On your way to work......

This prolly most def is one of the first ever missing way to work that had to be written out felt all out abhi ke abhiiiii.....

Who hota nai Charlie u go through an entire year and there's this one month like every year that hits you harder than any other...

This one month that first step drawnnn towards Him that changed it all for you for life.. today of all days when this missing this moment here hurts the most..... Donno why what or how ever since that morning moment morning Him, this state of mind it has left you with...... THIS much him rushing through you!!!!!!

To this beauty of the birds specially the eagle living the flight of its own..... That beautiful sway moving that smooth his arms wide open through the security checks upwards there are people standing getting checked in ques and yet there was him that beautifully different than the rest..... Arms wide open and upwards to the sky that one gorgeous human bird just bout to fly...... The way he just stands his posture all and everything bout him that one beautiful sight of your life!!!!!! That one moment that you used to look forward the most every single time when at the malls that one moment to just live that beauty of him in the bird form......

To this moment when this missing today is hurting the most like it never has before and that one moment of calm lived in that flight of the bird..... Living these birds with flashes of him every time!!!!!

Some days you just donnoooo you just can't go bout with it!!!!! Like it feels different hurts a lil more than any other day just feels different.....

15th start of it all this one month changed you your life for life...

Lil did you know!!!!!!!

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