Monday 26 October 2020

THIS day...!

 This very day or nite rather evey year and the waaaaaaaay it all comes back to you.....

From a day of him making you realoze and understand that it's love after all...

To a nite of star gazing and a meteor shower it def was..... To that moment of him not being able to say it first and the second call asks you what happened and you didn't want to let go of another second of letting him know that you did realoze finally after all that it was love....

This feeeking every time every bite of this time of the year to be under the stars to just relive smell that nite again....

Out for a walk livinf him as you walk and keep looking up at the sky....

Lil did you know nai that nite you your life will soon be changing like forever....

It never was going to be the same ever again and thank God for that.....

Chalieeeeeee kabi soche thoo lagta he wasn't just the love of your life for life but he was your most beauuuutiful and the only hideout...that one person in the world who actual mein knew the real you.... That one perpsn in the world you could be yours2ld with like let yourself jus be and also the only person that made you find you.....

And that feeeeling is def once in a lifetime, you don't get that lucky that many times.... To feel that love to feel the real you withjust that one person knowing you coold be anything with and stilll be loved and HOW.....

kal bhii maloom that one feeeeeling everytime you lived his presence saaaay smthinf smthingggg anything.....

It was like he was there for real like you could feep it that strong with goosebumps all over you could feel his presence that strong!!!!!

Again one of those things that doesn't make any sense but to you alone you knowwwww how it felt in that very moment....

Mind this beauuuuuuuuuutofully high on all HIM today being off cause of the drivers off like the complete day on this flight of your own....

But it's thia beauty of the nites with his music playing mind loving this Ginny hiyh feeel and then to let yourself stay afloat with all him rushing through you.....

How chalieeeeeee that one someone enters your life just like that walk through your life and becomes it all like it's always been that way.....

He did bring out that wild kid you that sort of changed after the incident and sortbof got mouldwd away into being smthinf she never was....

With him all that and more did come out, with him you just knew you could be you....and just you!!!!

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