Saturday 17 October 2020

To be heard...

 Some words and the chord it strikes you with, like you know just hit the string with the state of mind you already are in....

This one month of every single year does this thing with you, every year.... Moments when you are the happiest having lived loved it and at times also hurts the most like nothing possibly ever could... 

Watching this beauty of a film and that beauty of just being heard to listened to to you know Charlie having someone to be listened by.. like you know to just be able to have someone sit with you in times at hour like this world asleep no sound nothing at all this beautiful calm with his music playing on n off wild rains out..... And just talk your heart all of you out.... To know just be listened to to just sit and talk out anything to everything like anything that hits your mind in that and just talk it out...,. Without having to rethink or edit, to just be there raw out your mind with someone......

And this beauty of the post on one of your pages - to have someone love you with the same ferocity of love as yours, something on similar lines...

Diwali it was this day.....

Some dates n the vibe they come with you can't run fight or hide away from!

Lil did you know back then, lil!!!!!!

That presence you were growing living with years later this !!!!!!!!!!

This one month !!!!!!!!!

Every single year!!!!!!

Not sure if it hurt more last year or this one...!

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