To live him ayyyaaaaaaa can't say it enough times what it means to you!!!!!!!!!
To wake upto his face to live him in the himcoming to feel him to see him smile move breathe talk chuckle away to just watch him move the waaaaaaaay he moved today can't say it enough of times what AND HOW much it means to you!!!!!!!
Be it the dream yesterday for obvious reasons can't write out and the way it has his priority sound as the background music to the same one this morning!!!!!!
Him breathing the rush in his breath him the God in black I swear like you can't think understand make sense beypoooond that one visual of him it's pure gorgeous highest level of beautiful madness I say!!!!!!
Like you wake up you had to rush for work and in between again change tracks and get in the rushed workout cause you just haaaadddddd to feel him on your skin again...
Can't be anything else but magic the waaaaaay you feeeeeeeel him with you move along with you on your skin.......that sense of him breathing over your shoulder n arms that one face of his from the dream the waaaay he was moving like the waves of the ocean ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa THAAAAAAAT one beauuuuuuuuuty he is in totality!!!!!!
The sound of him saying aisaaaaaaaa in his usual style like even now in the traffic jam you can still hear his voice saying it like you were that desperately restless to feel him that need to feeeelhim again rush up and get out of the house so had to post it now the waaaaaay right now you could hear the sound of his voice from the dream this's like now he talks to you as he comes it's not just the whispers it's like talk talk kinda himcomings lately.......
Singaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you pure gorgeousness I swear!!!!!!!
If onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
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