Monday 21 June 2021

work high!

 Lil did you ever think you would feel this way too bout your work!

U sure never thought you would get into thus line and now that you are you sure love it but it's that perspective part of any work charlie to just think of your work this way too from another person's point of view was smthing you'd experienced for the first time prolly last week.....

When some stylist a client and an unknown person who just follows your business page inform you bout this page brand with apeksha whod copied your signature mirror anarkali and posted it as customized for client....where the stylist herself had styled for the brand with some popular tollywood actors and also mentions bout not mentioning her name for the same that she'd informed you....and another follower just talks bout how she loves your designs and dreams to own one someday when she can manage to get one any anarkali from your collection....

It's that feeling charlie all this hard work crazy work hours skipping lunches away brealfast away just to get the work done on time and as per schedule pays off like this..

It's that selfless love and words of appreciation that you did come across for the first time with this incident when the client who owns this design of yours mentions bout the love for your was a beautiful high and on the very same day when you were bout to sign the lease deed for the expansion of the studio......

Mind just happy for having managed to reach where you are's that feeling every single time charlie it just doesn't make your heart feel that sense of completeness the way you did with Him...when you had nothing else but just Him and his love for you!!

Sooo yah just dexide to treat yourself with smthing you love second most after him, fragrance.....out to buy smthing and notice your same Carolina classic 212 after decade get that fataak se and just bout to step out and that familiar scent almost the same as his on your birthday back then after bup he had a similar fragrance on and that pull to smell it again...

Go to the counter and it was of Hermes twilly but the beauuuty of it being the packaging had star sum and moon with most importantly C written all across the package.....

It's that thing charlie smthing just hits you that beautifully in some moments like falls that beauutifully insync and you just go with it.....

On your way back home stil wondering the beauty of love, you can own things change things for yourself and people around get better at living but Love is smthing that's just beyond can't do anything bout it , it just is either there or not, you can't make someone love you want you still want to be with you in either just happenes or doesn't!!

And the void that it leaves behind is smthing that cannot be filled even with the best of things in the world!

That void is smthing else no matter what you do, it just is what it is doesn't budge a bit!

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