Wednesday 9 June 2021

The place!

 Back to full day work from tomo prepping up for it fabrics stuff to get sorted for tomo and the rest.....on your way out and the weather thaaaaaat seksyyyyyy today this beauuuty of just bout monsoon the sky everything around that beauuutifully almost painted like with the Colors of everything already that beautifully already pre soaked with the hues of monsoon.... everything around including the smell ahhhhh the smellll in the air already monsoonish!!!!

And instead of work that need that one strong need to just be in one of those places that totally feels like His... Prashasan Nagar in jubilee just bout close to your studio and there's this slope there that just looks same as the one from his fav places in jubilee still dpmmo which one that was but was on a height overlooking that similar view of the city...the place where he holds your hand for the first time cause back then you used to wear heels again with everything becoming him and him liking flats better you now wear just flat also less risky with your fall rate!!!!

Sooo yahhh this one slope like and ask the driver to stop there and park the car away in the Galli and just be there looking around and this beauty of the almond tree just above you same like his that pic of his sun through the branches of the almond tree and that feeeeeel Charlie cause in that very moment his music that vibe from the day you almost stepping out of his car his hand before you asking you to hold him or you'll fall and the second he says that you almost do cause the place was under construction, the second you hold his hand that one smileeeeeeee on him the way he just looksyour hand in his and just stays that way for a bit like he was livinf that moment his smile in that moment and you ayyyaaaa that one feel a touch you lived with fear that moment of touch turn to feeling safe from fear it was one long transformation.....from childhood to that moment to just feel that feeeeling to just live that beauty of him just looking at your hand in his...

Some moments again that simple that nothing but the beauty of it the thing smallest of moments can make you feel make you live is beyond words!

Holding his hand and makes you stand in that corner and shows you the view of it but by then you were already living the most beautiful view Him...couldn't take your eyes off him the waaay he just looked that happy charlie in that moment it was much more than the view for him like he was sharing a moment that meant much more than just view for him....and this you do realise soon as you step back in the car....

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