Sunday 13 June 2021


 its that beautiful dilemma of some moments when you dont cant writ and yt that need to just write it out !!

that thing bout memories moments and some feels when you almost forget what it even felt like and then out of nowhere when you werent even thinking bout it intentionally never let it cross your mind cause you know when that side awakens it just messes you up even more!

this morning Him having felt him lived him that way the very start of the day and you were the most beautiful version of the wrd lost you possibly could!!!

where it was a working day cause of the interior work and the mind just not with you still lost in that moment from this morning... kabhi lagta charlie when you dont wanna relive that side of love that part of loving someone and then this happens.....not sure if its meant to mke you more happy make you come alive breathe back the life into you or just leave you in a beautiful mess of that beauty of the him smelling him away from tht close and then to wakeup to this reality live the day away with this reality it just gets that beautifully worse.....

to live that line of a dream between the dream and the reality to just understand and go with the another you!!!!!!

that second that one feel soon as you open your eyes and try n look for him again cause you could still smell him around you that close to you and not find him to that state of confusion cause you could still feel him his presence and that sense of what it was or whats this what did just from that state to coming to sense of the reality and landing bck to the just leaves you more messy!!!

messiest in th head....

the day today flashes of him to those snifs through the day recalling his smell reliving the moment and also trying no to struggling not to relive recall the moment.....

its when you have no control over your mind its the waaaaay it can leave you with !!!!!!

whoi feeeling charlie when you live that you that side of you after the longest time and donno what to do with it or not sure how to get back to normalcy like not think bout it bout him.....those flashes of him from that close his eyes his that one very hmm smile in moments just before moments his that same way of looking you in the eye with that one smile of his just seconds before the moment to the waaaay it all srts to disappear all around and just him is all you could seeee that same way that same feeeel the waaaay t keeps playing onloop even as you write now.....

this feeeeeeeeeeeling again now as you write it out this feeeeeeeling right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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