Wednesday 9 June 2021


 Kabhi lagta charlie!!!!!!

Moments like these sitting there today with strong feeeeeel as if he was with you there that one strong feeeeling of his love for you there how why donno but the waaaaaay it felt today in that moment.....

It had you thinking cause a place like that a day like that a music like that and a Him like that it all just flows thoughts feelings anything at all it just flows....

Like mind living a trip of its own that beautifully lost.... his dream almost every morning now moments like these and when in that very moment you feel him with you that strongly feel his love for you that strongly that one feel knowing for sure he loves you..also has you feeling thinking if you were younger things would've been different?

He would've been different with you respected your presence your love more? Would've accepted you more these blocks wouldn't be there maybe this hesitation unsurity wouldn't be there maybe....this need to keep you away maybe wouldn't have been there....

Who hota nai charlie it just makes you wonder if you still feel this much love what could you possibly have done wrong how it could've been better what couldve made him stay back want you your presence acceptance in his life....

Validating your presence maybe that would've existed kabhi bhot zorse lagta charlie when blocking you away fataak se hurt hota kaiku kya Kari aisa why you and you step away and the very sec it all changes dreams moments that one strong pull pulling you back it's like a wrong that you shouldn't have but phir wahi why be there when you are least wanted or expected to be....then there are these moments that make you feel otherwise the complete stark opposite to this reality...

Today being there that one wish with a love like that one smthing should've just worked in your favour may be magic made you younger! Mind i tell you can make the maddest of wishes when missing high! Today those few mins there was all n more about this....

Being young younger makes you respect people? Makes you accept love accept them appreciate them more!? 

Love can be this too??

And not just love like wouldn't you want to just be loved accepted for your love love your presence.....mind was in the most beautifully weird of States....and that one message from your mom in that very moment asking btw why did you stop Coloring your nails no more commenting on His taken picture of yours on WhatsApp.....

It's like that one beautiful finish line of gold to what you already were living and that lost in - Him...

Main already impressed hu you already have me in your life the why and who do you want to impress by Coloring your nails this pretty!

That one moment holding the door or smthing it was after bup meet when he says that that very moment looking at him and that one feeel charlie....

That love for painting your nails whoosh bolke gone in that very moment that very sec...

Not smthing you have up half heartedly just to prove smthing you just couldn't paint again you just dint want to like you just dint love it anymore....

Smthings nai just like that you just transform just like that.....and you love your hand this way somehow now!

Love, strangest and yet the most beautiful feeling you can ever live it just transforms you gets the best version of you out of you and the more you love the more you grow better best version of you... regardless of the circumstances!!

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