Sunday 13 June 2021

not easy!!

 some moments are just bigger andmuch stronger than you or any logic that can be tagged to it!!

its just beyond you...

like its not just that moment that it was for its the living the moment its bout living the presence th way he comes shakes you up wakes you up to make you live his presence t omake you live that love of his its like he was there to make you feel him live him live his presence lik to make you realize his love knowing you missed him that bad the day before its the vibe of some moments charlie like its not jus bout that moment lived but the waaaay he just comes that very day.....

from that moment to just go by with your day at work wher eyou couldnt just couldnt go on with it and come back home and just be with his music.....

its not easy charlie its prolly also why you stay away from that you that side of loving him that side of living him reliving him and the moments.....cause it just is not relive and then again to go with the present reality and just be normal again it definitely is not easy.......!

even writing it now writin your state of mind and the way moments like these leave you with even as you write now this one blaaaank feeel cause you just donnoooo how to define the way it leaves you with.....

how can you still feel it this strongly when its not the ame anymore.....

through the chnages drastic ones how do you still live the same him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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