Wednesday 9 June 2021

Just feel it!

 There is this thing bout the way you feel charlie one thing to feel one thing and then there is that feeeeeeeling that strong in you like you can't fight it deny it ignore it you just cant do a thing bout it it's just not upto you cause you just cant help the waaaaaaaay you feel!!!!!

No matter how crap the reality feels like no matter what it is this one strong feeeeeeeling that you just feeel breathing rushing running jumping through you - He loves you for sure... And like he back then used to tell you that often I love you more than you do, you still strangely madly feel that same vibe same feeeeeel especially in moments like these the one today......

U just cant help it still again writing it our reading it over now as you write you still feel that mad like you can see yourself feel yourself that mad as you write this bit this is exaaaactly how these moments how you in these very moments right there felt like...just that one thing screaming jumping through you he loves you much more than you do!

Now written out reading it deewani! Poori ki poori!!

How when what it is what is this, no clue but just is the way it is...!

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