Sunday 9 August 2020

The thing - Missing !!

 this thing bout missing sometimes now that youve lived this feeling for almost your entire life now is that that you somehow can never get used to it......

everytime you feel it it still feels new even with the same memory over n over again.....

the vibe of missing that feeeeel of missing that flow of missing  you can never get used to..... it sort of completes that smthing fills up that smthing for the moment in you.... like you know let yourself be drawn let yourself flow with that flow o fmissing like you know reliving some moment or just vibin with some track on your long way back home and you shut your eye with his music playing and with his flashes rushing through you..... like you know memory after memory moment after moment.....

and that feeeeeeeeel that moment those moments that hour or more is that feeeeeel that you can never get used to..... like you wait long for that moment just so you can beeeeeee with that feeeel of Him rushing through you.....

and this thing bout missing the more you live the more you are sort of drawn to moments that make you sort of live that feeeeeel all over again.....

last week has been waaaaay more than hectic wit masterji leaving for his hometown for the festival and had to plan the work before hand accordingly schedule the order the sample stuff accordingly got a lot more hectic than what youd planned...... and amidst all that chaos last week or more there has been every moment of your own peace rushing through you.....

its like you constantly live him now though the face now smetimes gets that blurred with the time now..... its only that much clear when you sleep like then you see him that clear every lil detal of his that clear but its the day moments through the day where you see a side of him a lil blur sometimes or just at a distance.....

and yet it means the world cause you knowwwwwwww what that lil of him tooo means to you !!!!!

like out of nowhere something anything of him connecting you away swaying you away from it all and everything him.... like even discusiing some design or smthing you sort of drift away from it all in a sec and off n away in your place at the studio in the balcony overlooking the most gorgeous lush trees all around..... like thats your corner at the studio play his music loud shut the door away and just be sitting there..... 

thats your moment meaning the world to you cause in that moment all  you wanna feel live looooove breathe is Him.....

this thing bout missing the more you miss the more you WANNA miss !!!!!!

its your way of filling up that almost hollow space in you for the moment where you still can feel him feel his presence in that moment and not feel alone in that moment.....

this beauuuuuuuty of the nite today this smel in the air, ever since Him monsoon definitely has never been easy !!!!!

NEVER !!!!!!!!!

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