Sunday 2 August 2020

Livin the moments away !!

its the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay some memories moments make you feel.......

be it feeeelin this n more that day or now as rewrite the feeeels from that date day......

when you are living moments someone like that in those moments or walkig out and looking at him one more time as you get down the stairs lil did you know........

this feeeeeeeeeeeeeling now even as you write and the more you write bout that momnet of seeing him one more time as you leave......

you dont really know nai bas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like if you did lilst bhiii couldve wouldve runnnn back to him and hugged him one more time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kittaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sochoooooooooooooo nai ronaaaa nai waapis honaaa waiseeee nikaaal he aataaaa nai !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

be it the dreams be it the lilst of moments through the day on yoru way to work his places kbr park the chai khushi place the jack n jones turns like finding him in moments through the day with his music playing..... its like you breathe him live him through you........ feel him throuh you !!!!!!!1

to watching movies and smthing connects to this movie just mercy and his alabama track plays last nite its this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling charlie like he is in your lilst of smthing to anything......

you feeeeeeeeeeeeeel him in lilst of things...... like not consicously but like he i sthere lilst of moments bhii......

to this conversaion yet again as she oils your hair and you live him in your mind whilst she does......and talks bout how watching you alone with time was worrying her more now......

asking you why dont you give it a try like give getting married a try.....

and you finally say it out loud....

ask her whats marriage like like the after of it.....

and the first thing she mentions is finding love feeling loved having someone to share your life with live your life with.....

 and you couldnt help but finally tell her its been him and will always be Him when it comes to love..... like you were done with love and loving with Him.....

like it was there because of him stayed with him and left with him......

second when it comes to sharing your life with you live him in your moments every single moment of your ech day......

and if its worrying her that much you will def get married but not a day more that you would be able to live with someone else...... leave alone sharing anything !!!!!!!

will that be okay ?

and you could feel her hand not touching your hair anymore and as you turn all she says is please try atleast...... and you nod and tell her a yes and again mention bout the same not a day more if its just for the thing bout signing that thing off her list might as well be just that.......

its that thing charlie when youve found lived loved someone for a lifetime it doesnt really matter if its from far too..... again smthing you did read on one of the pages you love !!!!!!!!

you let go the thought of wanting to have em in your life but you cant let go of the love itself.....

either you love or you just dont anymore.....

and love anything that comes with it including life itself felt more complete and meaningful with Him.....

he loved you wholefully when you were nothing..... when today after years you talk your moms brother and sarcastically mentions bout the guy in hyderabad that he spoke with your mom bout and then tells you now that you are successfull work wise itll be all the more easier.....

its that thing charlie you had nothing at all back then and yet you were the happiest in the world....... that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling charlie everytime in and with his presence being out just living that feeeeeeeeeeel of being theluckiest in the just have his love for you to just be loved by him, just be His......

happiest in the world.....

and today years after a brand a studio a staff that you are paying on your own a car a house money almost everythng and yet this feeeeeeeeeeling like you lost what you loved the most in your life......

when your friend comments how you transformed your life like you must be really happy n proud of how you are now and all.......

its like all of this means nothing still...... when someone or even your mom feeling proud wonder talk bout how happy it must be making you...... it sure is a feeling that fills you with pride bout how far you did come with all the work you put in every single day but it all comes down to that one feeeeeeeeling charlie that one someone in your life that can change it all for you.......

like all of it on one side and that just that one someone for you on the otehr side.....

and nothing no one can ever even come close to what and how you feeeel...... THAT kind of happiness !!!!!!!!!!!

that fills your heart fills all of you with that sense of complete like that one beautiful sigh that you breathe of having that love of being loved of just being able to live that love live that one someone to life with.......

to share your life with share your highs more importantly your lows with......

like you know to just knowwwwwwwww you can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its that much easier for someone having seen your life from out to think or expect it would be normal with anyody and just give it a try......

you live him even in his absence too...... live his love live Him every moment of your life !!!!!!!!!!

how do you just go by with smthing cause somebody else thinks that would b egood for you........

for the lilst of thing that scares the fuck out of you !!!!!!!!

how do you wake up to another smell and not feeel his smell anymore !!!!!!!!!

to say the least !!!!!!!

like these moments that you live him in and with ab whooo bhiii kaisaaa le leeete !!!!!!!!!!

isnt wanting you your life to be normal bout where you happiness lies and with who it stays with.....

isnt it bout what completes you what makes you happy what makes you want to life with !!!!!!!!

or just botu ticking that thing off the list ?!!!!!

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