Sunday 9 August 2020

Him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thi feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelling that you feeeeeeeeeeel right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with words out and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay this feeeeeeeeeeling only grows and makes it all the more beautifully worse for you !!!!!!!!!!

his face his facial expressions his adooooooorable sound of chuckle to his words aisaaaa howliiii that one nod of his like it alllllll ekdum seeeeeeee woooooooooooooooosh bolkeeee flows through you !!!!!!!!

with dreams there are moments some very special moments through the day today too was just one of those momemts.....

this one fav page you follow where the post written was upsetting like you avoid reading things like those.... but the image does it for you....

holding the face that close.....

see it and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of Him.....

hi smost loved thing to do in between the moments the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would stop ekdumm see and just hold your face away in his hands and just look at you.... that feeeeeeeeeel in those first few initial moments with him chralie to just seeeeeee him liveeeeeeee him look at you that way in between the moments and then smileeeeeeee awaaaaaay as you look away from him cause you were dead shy in that moment.....

the waaaaaaaaaaay it used to make him that happpy with that one smileeeeeee on him to just live you that way.... to just live those moments of his love for you.... 

to that moment when you see a cockroach after really long and ayyyaaaaaaaaaa that khushi cause again all you could live and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel was Him.... the waaaaaaaaaaaaay it made you that khushhhhhh in that very moment mom surfin through channels and stops at hat very right moment as one of your most loved songs for him plays jag ghoomya ayyyaaaaaaaa uskeeeeeeeee jaisaaaaaaa na koi.....

everything to anything bout him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOVE i SAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

also whyyyyyyyyyy that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling luckiest one that one i say who got to be with him be loved by him to get to live him i say !!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa THAT one him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anythng bout him charlie ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa bas dekhoooo and khataaaammm fullllllllllll pyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar i saaaaaaaay poooraaaaaaaaaaaaa dooooob jaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaa dooobak bolkeeeeee wala pyaaaaar oopar oopar wala so so waal pyaaar nai poooooooora dobaaakkkk bolkeeeeeeee dooob jaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaa wala pyaaaaar....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one him karelyyyyy who aisa waisa nai wings wala cockroad haii save meee it will come back to me at nite.....

howwwwwww howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this adooooooooooooorable even writing that moment writing his face from those moments puts a smile on you in this very moment....

this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it fills your heart with !!!!!

this is what love needs to feel like regardless of the absence it needs to fill your heart with this feeeeeeeling like you know make you happy like nothing else in the world can.... no one else in the world can.....

and with him its always been this way right from the very start.....

that sec that moment you see him walking in over the tiles it put a smile on you made you happpy on the inside for the first time seeing someone....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa him being the worlds most annoying one bhiiii ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jus the way he is with all that he is ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ke jaisaaaaaaaa na koii !!!!!!!!!!!!!

today as the song plays head out in the balcony and it was raiing that beautifully.....

with all him rushing playing jumping through you !!!!!!!!!

every expression every moment youve lived and fallllleeeeeeeeeeeeen drowneeeeeeeeed in love with him.....

just  the way he is charlie all that he is anything to eveyrthing bout him its  that feeeeeeeel of raw beautifully real.... is when you know him wanting you to leave when he dosnt want you to least bhi.....

cause that real raw is what youve seen him as.... so when he says he wants you to leave and all of him still holding you back like not letting go of your hand only.....

agaaaaaaaaaaain where to where onlyyyyyyyyy it went !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this nite ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

howliiiiiiiiiiiii banaaaaaaaa gayaaaaaaaaaaa pooori ki poooooori !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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