This THISSSSSSSSSSSS beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of Himcomings like these!!!!!!!!
Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa he is suchaaaaaaaaaaaa adooooooooorable jalebi of a hooooman I swear!!!!’
One declicous jalebiii!!!!!!
U have just no idea charlie the work nonsense firing 6 core people at once and then now trying to find the replacements how difficult it has been…..all at once to deal with!!!!!
Why can’t people jsut let women be with their own life……
Like why is it this difficult to justify explain reason out your own way of life to absolute strangers that shouldn’t even be concerned it’s NOT their concern not getting to that topic as of now…..
It’s been too hard as it is so let’s switch back to the Sunshine of your life…!
Amidst everything there’s this love for your work still and you decide to take the big step because firing this core set of workers is going to cause delay in work clients orders and now finding immediate replacements for the same is another chaos…
There’s this long daaaay of work and the beauuuuty of winter nights and howwwwweeeeeee you looooooove this season this year even MORE now that you can live him every now and then even whilst watching this quiet place something movie and there was this visual of an ipod and His iPod memories with it rush through you it’s the beauuuuuuty of finding him in random most mkents like these!!!!!
And the heiuiights of Khushi it’ brings along beyond logics I say!!!!!!
To falling asleep on the couch itself and this one lil himcoming where it looked like you were at some coaching place and him behind you and there was some teacher explaining something and the teacher asks the behind line of students any doubts you can ask your senior here and that’s when you feel something hit your back turn around and there he was black shirt blue denim shirt his style it was his leg that hits your back… it was a bench setting him on a higher bench behind you and he just moves his leg a lil away smiiiiiiiles at you and says a sorry and you tell him it’s ok and that nod of his and he brings his leg closer to you again……and you see it and the way he moves his lips saying you said it’s ok and raises his eyebrows!!!!!!
The waaaaaaaaybthat whole moemnt as you turn around smiling away felt like you’d known him before like that strong feeeeeel inside of you like you’d lived him before you’d loved him before it’s that beauuuutiful déjà vu that you strongly feel in that moment….
Some sound or strike of the stick on the bench to catch your attention and you wake up…
His question back then sitting on the steps below the gym him asking you what if he hadn’t joined the same gym or you not in the same gym do you think we would’ve met somewhere else just a hypothetical question…and you tell him how strongly you believed in destiny cause you were almost enrolled for the golds gym but on your way home you see this board of talwarkar and wanted to come here instead…
Like to just check the place and your mom says but we already enrolled filled the form for golds and just the payment has to be made the next day but you still insist and the second you walk through the door that one strong feeeeeeel…….and you immediately decide this is it!!
It’s nothing if you think or read now in words but in that moment how it all aligned one after the other was just pure magic…!
He did mention back then he used to come early to the gym not same time as yours but that one day he comes late and that’s when you see him entering walking towards you in that tile walk of his…..intentionally ignoring some words away so it will be just “tile” walk instead…
And after that he always used to come same time as yours…
To wake up from this dream the himcoming the state of mind this beauuuuuuuty of lil things and howwwwweeeeee they can just like that make your day away is beyoooond!!!!!
Like you were a senior then too !!!!!!
It was a day of having to rush to work early but instead decide to get more him feeeeels instead!!!!!
Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this looooooooooove and need to teeeel him awaaaaaay like this the waaaaaaaays he is one with you through n through every single moment!!!!!!!!
Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeous gorgeous jalebiiii how ihlyyy you are being missed away again if only sliiiiiiightest bhi!!!!!!!
This happppy himhighdddddd!!!!!!
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