Sunday 3 January 2021

THAT one for LIFE!

 It's that thing bout the heart charlie when it knows it just knows no matter what happens on the outside or around , what and when your heart knows it knows for sure!!!!

There maybe a war happening outside and around of you but what and how your heart feels on the inside bout smthing or someone it just knows...nothing no one can possibly change that!

Cause it just knows...!

Last few weeks have been the worst ever for you like that worse back then wiy bup was a worse and after that last few weeks have been more like difficult to deal with....

And then thwre is that inner struggle to hold back to take those steps away and back from him to start with to stop watching his stories waiting to see him to live him cause it's only been getting worse the more you lived him....

And then there was the mind opener shit that hit you weeks back that sort of shook you up to the realities of it, real side of wakeup and think kinda thing!

It was all just messed up and then there is work thank god for it today being a working sundya too becomes again the Youday for you and HOW!!!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeling now again where your heart takes over and HOW!!!!!!

just that one moment that one walk through the doors of the gym is all that took for Him to become that one only one for life for you!

Jus that one walk through the door towards you and never did leave after that and never will...

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