Sunday 3 January 2021

Opinions and life...

 Doubts opinions like the more minds they are the more they think or have opinions bout anything to everything...

And there's that heart of yours you listen to smthjnf shakes u up disturbs you for a bit sort of drifts you away it all happens but there's that point charlie that one turn when it just knows where who it'll come back to what does it want to come back to.....cause it's always been this way you maybe upset mad lost over it wondering bout your existence importance in somebody's life if you at all even exist for them..The opinions echoing through you the words spoken which shouldn't have cause it was your birthday after all like there is that outside big chaotic world that you keep running away from going closer to the work just so you don't have time for the rest.....and there's that moment waking up and sleeping with that's your calm that's where you belong long for just so you can get away from the outside and closer to where your heart feels the most home at.....

Waking up to tht smell of his his presence that in a way assures you of smthing that still doesn't make sense of cause it's days on calendar when the wordls wishing away and you doubt your existence like always....

Blame it all on expectations nnd go on with the usual!

And then all it takes is that one moment one visual and there goes your heart again!

That one tinggggggg that one string of your heart tingggggg bolke and gone again!!!!!!!!!

It's this feeeeeeeling charlie some visuals can fill you with even without gin its like you are floating away walkin on the cloud wali feeeeeling it's a mix of pain hurt and lots of HIM!!!!!!

Its just thus beauuuuuuuuuutiful mix of khushi that you are feeling right now!!!!!!

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