Friday 15 January 2021

Time n places2!!

 From that dream from that moment of living him from that close feeling his presence that THAT close that close ki again it made you feel that really real like he was actually there and you actual mein lived that moment with him actually heard him say all that to you!

That real shakes you up cause that's how amazed you were and that first need to check his insta cause that's what you'd been doing yesterday waiiiitinf for him update his story knowing his love for this day with his cousins that they do every year on sankranti flying kites and his gaming nite with them....

Wake up with that shake and the first thing you see that beloved round red circle and that khushii charlie that one sec of immediate khushii fataaaak se hit it....

Him pink Floyd t ayyyaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaa sooooo soooooo beauuuutifully adoooooorable !!!!!!

It was the same place maybe a floor or two higher with those terraces around that same seating corner with the mat.....him flying the kite to hearing his voice after years YEARS !!!!!!!!!

The worst thing apart from being technologically challenged with the first iphone is losing his chat and voice notes all of them!!!!!

It's all blank and gone.......

But that feeeel again yet another one of those firsts of your life was with Him....learning how to use an iPhone him showing you the same!!!!!!

Today this morning just that one word that voice of his to just hear him charlie kaise nai sometimes the lilst of moments you live actually make you realize till that moment how bad you really missed that bad to just hear him...

The place just to look arohnd in that story was like yesterday just yesterday you were there same corner almost same day living that beauuuuty of his love for you THAT much love for you!!!!!!

The way some visuals can make you feel is beyond's like all your life just flashed through you right before you in that moment a decade just like that...

Is why when you love you must make the most of it every lil moment lived spent with em make the most of it to not let anything else ruin it for you not give any other negative vibe more power than what you share what love you just love and make the most mostest of it every single moment you have!

Cause you never know!!

That one adooooooooorableeee human just like that HOW just like that did become this much almost all of it I say!!!!!!!

It's like one visual and THAT many memories that many versions of him lived in that very single him actually taking you for gola cause that very day some conversation and you tell him how much you loved it and the very same nite instead of heading home takes you to the gola place wit his sister and cousins.....

Apart from the many adooooorable moments there that one most adorabke thing dream lived, but iske baal brown nai hai when asked bout a kid of his own and the way he talks bout curly hair and his sister mentions bout brown hair and he says but karely has black hair n not brown.....and now strangely you do have brown hair!!!!!

Smthings you didn't wanna write also the very things that need to relive them as you write....

Like it took you that many hours of hiding away drom your own mind at work getting that busy just so you don't feel that much miss that much....

 But nai hua charliee.....

Kitaaa try kariii nai hua!!!!!

These places of his your most loved best moments of your life lived right there.....kaise hota!!!!!!

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