Sunday 3 January 2021


 On your way to work this one bike smoothly moves ahead and that same blue hoodie that he was wearing in that pic of his on insta side se had daadi too and that one search again ask the driver to move ahead it wasn't even his bike that's prolly not how he would sit too but there's that logic bit and the heart bit whete all of you waiting moving to see that one glimpse of his hoping it's him one side to the other and as the guy turns wasn't him....

It's that beauty ironic beauty of that moment where you already were lost in his music looking out just blankly staring away and that one slow smooth moment passes by and that you it leaves with and everytime after a moment like that one spent searching for him the afterfeels is smthing else....

It's that re realisation charlie how much you wanna just see someone to just live them door se bhi for a sec hoping it's him like the way it moves you looking around waiting for someone to turn to just know if it is him and when finally you reakIe it's not that one feeeeeel charlie, yet again!!!!!!

That THAT close!!!!!!

To this hour of your day that you look forward to the most post work post everything else away from it all and closest to where you feel the most you...

His music playing working on smthing in your place with the chill in the air and to just be.....

It's this flow of Him that you feel like you could be just working his music playing and yet it's these flashes of him through memories any memory out of nowhere and while still working the waaaay the mind just moves sways away with it flows with it...

Its the present moment still at it but all of you on tbe inside is on a way of its whoo hotaaa nai kar kuch aur rahe and that all you on the inside is on another trip only!

Bas same to same!!!!

Where to whrreee only it went!!!!!

This mind today in this moment now!!!!!!!!

Smthing else in the longest of times...!

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