Sunday 3 January 2021

String of memories!

 Why do you feel the way you do why the dreams why or how do you feel smell his presence even after the waking up how is he there in the dream that very dream same morning the way you slept missing him as....cause yiy did Google the Google out asking if thwre was a thing like you think bout smthing and the same thing comes as a dream there is a theory to that but it never is in the form of continuation of smthing of some moment of some missing!

Cause he comes in a way of continuing the moment missed as mad as thus sounds writing it out loud but is exactly like this and for this there's no answer why or what!

Also why the reality of it after waking up gets you all the more lost!

Like this mornings too!

And then here he was his story the visual of gulmohar and today being the Youday of all days.....his sister her husband and there he was pink Floyd tee looking adooooooooooooooooooooorable hair tied up jeans sleeves folded just like yours even as you live him through the pic that beauuuutifully adorable echo of his voice kya jeans haii the wAay he pulls you closer and checks the fold filled with dirt n stones and tells you how messy you were alter karane nai hota and there was you living that Him from back then cause in that moment the waaay he pulled you closer was just like he used to back then to dustingaway the fold to getting mad at you for being messy that one tone of his voice you did hear for the first time after bup.....

It's that one tone charlie that one tone different than the normal tone of his voice it just feels like looooooveee his loooooooove in the most adooooorable form possible that one tone of his voice when he gets mad at you that way or corrects you over smthing that one tone of his voice- pure looove!

Where roooo where only it's going!!!!!!!

Also why you rather stay and live than write cause this feeeeeeeling it fills you with as you write n live him!!!!!!!

The sound of place could be the same one his mom was at back then cause he did mention bout it then and made you speak to aunty......

It's how it just connects charlie like as you click through the images it's like pages of a story...

His mom his sister him talking bout some day taking a pic of you against the backdrop of gulmohars some day that very day itself to just live him with that echo of his voice as all of him rushes through you!!!!!

And all it took was one visual one moment shared...!

Kabhi soche thoo lagta charlie how is it that just that one person becomes almost everything to you......right from that very first walk towards you, just like that...!

Anything to everything to do with em can make you feel this way LIKE THIS the way you are feeling right now...

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