Friday 15 January 2021

Time n places...

 Places have this thing bout em charlie....

Like over the years of his absence you've sort of discovered this new way of life of a way making it better lil better for yourself.....

Filling up his absence with his n smtimes with his places on special of those most loved dates on the calendar is when that need to be in his place arises.....

Like it just fills up smthjnf in you that's way beyond logic....or reality!

Off late it's Sunday's that you look forward the most for cause recently it's like almost every Sunday becomes a Youday when he uploads some story with a pic of his again your way of filling up feel of having met crazy as it sounds.....

And otherwise it's festival or anything special or even not special it's that wait to see him..... knowing very well knowing it's the wrongest of things you are doing literally stalking him which he never does.....not a single story of yours and that pretty much says it all bout you and everything to do with you!

But there are days charlie thwre are dreams moments that you live that sort of pull you back and away from the reality of it all and sort of makes you believe in that alternate reality that's completely different and stark opposite to the actual literally makes you sit down and make believe of it.....and in that moment you get drawn away and how and actually go with it cause that's the beauty sheer beauty of such moments n just can't help but flow sway away off n away to the way they make you feel.....

Exactly the same vibe was this mornings dream to again your way of literally waking upto him...


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