Sunday 14 June 2020

To go on loving.....

self respect logics the reality......

its like there is this one side of it and then there is the other side of it.... how do you stop caring how do you stop loving how do you put a stop put an end to your side of love when you know see the other side of love is no more.....

like how do you go bout with that change with that transformation like how do you allow yourself to move with that change.....

like how do you unlove put a stop to that love just cause you realized there is no love now......

how do you stop caring ekdum se......

news smthing that you come across that shakes you up and all you wanna know check upon to just know if he is good if he is safe to just know to just feel that need of wanting to be there for him....

knowing you are the least that he needs.....

how do you understand that accept that and just be..... like you know stop your side of caring tooo like how do you do that......

its when this happens you sort of let yourself go...... cause you got no control over.....

its that slow whispers echoes that play through you of the promises made of his voice youll be there no karely you will always be there no karely..... no matter what i do no matter what i tell you.....

its that thing charlie bout moments lived.......

there are moments and then there are moments that you have lived with every speck of you that you are made of.... like all of you to anything of you that has truly wholefully lived that moment felt that moment and then made that promise.....

times change people change but there is that thing bout some promises the echoes of those promises made.....

with him over your lap still holding onto you looking helpless in that beautiful silence of the night..... sometimes holding onto your arm or leg and asking you if youll be there with him.... talking bout his mind to you those sudden shifts he goes through and then asking you again if youll still be there......

it was bout that moment those moments his voice to live him in those moments.....

living him in that moment moments making those promises to be there with him smtimes as his loveand mostly as his mommy.....

today or many a times in times like these it all comes back to you..... mind still being ignorant to the change now.....

it all just flows through you......

again when you know he is strong and most importantly knowing your importance or importance of your absence in his life is what he wants and yet there are these times that you cant help......

the world today off late is going through things none of us ever even imagined what have  to be dealt with......

its a big change that we are experiencing a complete transformation of way of life.... like constantly changing.....

and then news like these to the messages bout how its even more important to be there for each other to show you care to show you love someone to just express and most importantly just be there for the ones you love.....

to the forwards bout the mental health and having been that close to depression it jus felt weird.....

where one of them talks bout checking up on people especially living alone or having had a troubled past.....

it was all feeling weird disturbing.....

its that thing bout young deaths charlie firstly that weird feeling cause of your brother.... like that bit disturbs still disturbs the most.....

cause its very untimely.....

the day started off on that beautiful note with that version of his presence to this feeeeeling later on through the day.....

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