Sunday 14 June 2020

The mind, a beautiful mess !!

mind i tell you can be this one big beautiful mess.......

its how you shape it its how you let it move absorb towards.....

and yet mostly has a thing of its own, way of its own no matter what you do.....

this feeling smtimes maybe also has a heart of its own cause it def has its own way out.....

when you are getting better stronger more positive thanks to all that work that youve taken up.....

like making sure occupied enough like a day everyday packed enough that you are exhausted enough by the end of the day that you come back and just be.....

it also in a way did you make you a lot more positive especially in times like these.....

going out sourcing stuff especially is def not easy..... it takes up your compleete mind n attention in trying your best to stay safe taking proper precautions constantly keeping an eye around with the distance to avoid touching anything to the rest......

its quite mind consuming like your mind is constantly rushing through moments and then there is that peace in those few hours at the studio when you are just on your own....

working on designs to checking on work and then trying the new ones out.... this change after the space has been a positive change for your mind n body.... you def did come out more positive than a few months back you were....

it was a very difficult time.....

its that thing charlie when you come across things in life that you werent prepared or least prepared for you sort of need that space to take a seat back and relook at your life.... what youve been doing right or wrong and then access the way of life youve been leading.... holding on in your case....

without even knowing you were.....

this time few months of time that you had on.... did sort of help you in some way !!!!!!

liek you know make you realize where you were what you were knowing it all still standing there pointlessly !!!!!!

this mind right now after the devastating news today.... stll not sure where this writing is leading.....

cause you def had smthing else on mind but now as you write you feel the flow deviate.....

its how the day has been today.....

Life is beautiful, for some there are goals that they are attached to ambitions that sort of give em purpose that makes them their lives a lil more beautiful and purposeful.....

for some its the people its the love that they are surrounded with that makes it beautiful.....

it was with him that you found yours.....

it started with him, stayed after him too...... feeling his presence feeling living a version a different version of His that you were, are leading your life with now....

especially after having known things recently the way of your life now sort of had this complete transformation.....

like you def feel your mind sort of finally did accept and adjust to this side of life now.....

like you know living with a version that still felt yours.....

and accepting the other him to a different one that you maybe dont know anymore.....

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