Sunday 14 June 2020


do  you really need tooo much to care to just show someone you love to just let someone know youll be there no matter what.....

these things logics like there made more sense in times like these......

where to just check on someone if they are okay if they are safe n all is all that made that bit of a difference to know how much you really did matter... like you know know that you are cared for kinda thing.....

where there is that bit of negativity leading to calling this shift as end of the world.....

and then there is that strength to hold onto the positive side of it all....

hoping the good better best side of it soon around.....

its in these times especially post lockdown that you sort of respected started to love your work all the more..... cause it did help you get on that positive note of life around maybe its that thing bout independent that makes you stronger and more positive.....

or it was your just plain acceptance after all these years of holding on.....

its hwen you finally realized what version of Him that you left with now and then live with it.....

its the waaaaaaaaaaay i still feel live him charlie its that beautifully real.....

like you know you wake up and can never get used to that feeeeling of searching for him hoping he is still there cause thats how real that moment was.....

and then the reality of it now off late doesnt hurt anymore.....

it strangely doesnt.....

its that acceptance of he has moved on and so have you with this version of Him with you that you are living with.....

and then there are times like these especially today after having read those different messages bout what happened today.....

there was that need to again just be there.... there was this message that actually resonated more with you.....

cause that was all youcould in your way.....

that went you dont have to ask them if they are okay jsut let them know you are there for them dont ask just show you are there for them......

its exactly how and what youve felt when there used to some news something that would shake you up worrying bout him being okay and all.....

and you alwasy wanting to jsut show that you are there to make it better for your own knowing you are there......

today too it was the same....

and you add him back with that reality on mind being someone elses boyfriend and you jsut checking on your friend your best friend you once knew.....

and you just add him back......

you cant add logic and all that jazz when you love or care.....

you just do, you just love or you dont, you just care or you dont no matter what.....

its either this or that, as simple as that.....

and  to you ever since day one your Priority in life has always been that clear.....

and will always Be...!

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