Sunday 21 June 2020

Of all the days.....

the feel of sundays has never been the same again !!!!!!!!

you dont like sundays no more !!!!!!!

ever since that one message one lil chat wit him a year back it has never been the same again.....

there are dreams still there but the day the vibe of the day dosnt feel the same like it did before.....

and yet smthing still bout it.....

of all the days today !!!!

when all these days you still are struggling to sort of let that side of you just go back to where it was and how it was.....

like you know get a hold on yourself get normal back again and just STOP reliving him that way.....

and yet you just cant.....

to some news article bout donald glover the artist that you love again cause after arjit singh its this artist that you see a glimpse of Him in.....

it had a pic ofthe artist in a worn out t shirt in the shade of blue and the waaaaay it takes you back to that moment again at his versova place.....

this happens all the time a lilst of thing bout that meet.... like a mention smwhere or a track from that meet or anything at all and the waaaaaaaaaay every lil sec with Him from that day rushes through you and HOW !!!!!!!!!1

this looooooooooove for his clothes too......

this pic of the artist in the worn out t shirt and the waaaaaaay it takes you back to that day.....

over his shoulder feeling his t shirt you ask him to give you his most worn t shirt before you leave.....

and the waaaaaaaaay the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he that adoooooooorably chuckles away and holds you closer.... take this one instead its almost new.....

that beaaaaaaaaautiful beige almost creamish full sleeved knit kinda t shirt of his from that day smthing youve never seen him before in the style of that......

and you nod away and insist smthing he wore the most like an old t shirt of his.....

and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay that one nod of his THT one nod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you obvsly did forget before leaving asking for it again so did he.....

today after years you see his shade of blue in that worn out look on the artist with that same expression of His that he had on his passport pic that he gave you back then.....

some days nai charlie like a string of feeeeeels string of moments......

from that moment to this day today feeeeeeeeling him living him from that meet.......

like if this wasnt just enough this one smthing on your most loved pages talks bout the beauty of lilst of moments..... the touch !!!!!!!!

to just live someones presence with that one touch.....

could be anything at all in the lilst of ways........

when you distant yourself away from that side of you and then live that same you after years now......

how do you even get back to normal.....

is when your heart all of you this one feeeeel - how truly lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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