Sunday 21 June 2020

The whisper 2...!

it was bout two days or smthing and prolly early hours of the morning and you feel smthing over n around your one ear.... and the way it sort of moves you shakes you gently..... like you know that one gentle shake not that scared shake kinda shake......

and as you move you smell him that close to you like THAT close to you !!!!!!!!!

and you try to move closer to where you could smell him even more like you know making sure you move slow just so you dont wake up..... and as you do you could feel his lips over your ear his breath over your ear and you stop moving and the waaaaaaaaay he smiles like you could feeeeeeeeeeeeeel his smile over your ear THAT close.......

and you jsut stay that way feeeeeeeeeeeling living his presence smelling his presence THAT close to you.... and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he smiles even more closer this time..... and that slow whisper morning hour sleepy tone of his voice tells you i loveee your hair...

that loveeee bit sounded exactly the same waaaaaaaaaaay he did back in at his versova place.....

that exact same tone of his voice from back then.....

as he kept chumming spaces of your face away.....

like your lashes your nose your cheeks your hair and then with every chummiii kept saying the same i always loved your lashes love your hair and all......

that slow whisper from back then that sameeeeeeeeeee exact tone of his voice as he was high and sleepy back then too.....

that same exact voice and the exaaaaaact same way the way he says it.....

and you just beeee the waaaaaaaaay that one line those fewest of words with his lips still over your ear makes you feel......

it all still feels weird writing all this out and also might delete later.....

cause smthings you just cant write ekdum aiseee here.....

but there is also that thing charlie that youve felt ever since that dream or moment it was.....

the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it has just left you the state of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

its this weird n yet beautiful......

cause you felt this you after really long LONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and also there is that thing of what sense does it even make now and YET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then there is this feeeeeeeeeeel this neeeeeeed to let the moment out to write out your heart what and how you are feeling it just feeeeeeeels ajeeeen on the inside like you know that neeeeeeeed to just write the moment out jsut so it gets better in your head.....

hoping it gets better in you !!!!!!!!!!!!

its this weird restlessness this weird calm like you cant talk cant think cant work kinda vibe !!!!!!!

mind that lost !!!!!!!!!

all of you this THIS lost !!!!!!!!!

cause it awakened the side of you that you almost forgot did exist in you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

it wasnt a dream where you saw him or smthing but just felt Him...

and HOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like it was just that whisper and you wake up much later still turning to that side of Him waking up and again looking for him still in that sleep haze state of mind.... cause you were again AGAIN that sure of him being still there !!!!!!!!!!!

and the after of that moment was smthing else is smthing else !!!!!!!!!!!

this you the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay anything of him leaves you this transformed !!!!!!!!!!!!

beyond !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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