Sunday 21 June 2020

The whisper...!

sometimes you are just not sure if to write your sober heart and exact state of mind out loud or to just get high and feel less guilty writing it out.......

some emotions some feeeeeels specially the after feeeeeeeels of a dream of a whisper can transform you awaken the side of you that you let hidden deep down inside of you.... like you know make sure it stays there no matter what....

and all it takes is that one whisper one sound of Him to just awaken that side of  you.....

like always !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smthings you know better that way to just you know keep that side of you off you like you make it let it be non existential kinds.....

knowing !!!!!!

and then that one sound that one voice in the world for you !!!!!1

that one scent in the world for you !!!!!!!!!!

just that one in the world for you !!!!!!!!1

changes it all away again after donno how long it has been now..........

that one whisper just that one whisper of a Sound...!

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